Tag Archives: amuzament

Zicale romanesti in limba engleza

Intrucat am avut intotdeauna o pasiune (dubioasa) de a traduce versuri din romana in engleza dar si vice-versa, am zis, in pauza de gandire de la munca, sa fac treaba asta si cu zicalele noastre autohtone, neaose, romanesti. Si hey, it’s quite fun! :D Traducerile, pentru a fi fun, sunt mot-a-mot, ca nah…

- Sunt un car de draci!  =  I`m a cart full of devils!

- Aschia nu sare departe de trunchi = The splinter doesn’t jump far from the tree

- Banul, ochiul dracului – The coin, devil’s eye

- Bataia e rupta din Rai – Beating is torn from Heaven

- Bine faci, bine gresesti – You do well, you receive well

- A dat ortu` popii – He/She gave the ort to the pope (?!)

- Calul de dar nu se cauta de dinti – The gift horse shouldn’t be teeth searched/controlled!

- Cauta bataia cu lumanarea – Searching for a beating with a candle

- Ceapa are multe fuste dar tot degera la frig – The onion has many skirts but it still freezes over!

To be continued!