
Mi-a zis azi o pretina ca sunt poate cel mai…dinamic om pe care-l cunoaste.

Nope. Cred ca toti suntem dinamici. Foarte dinamici. Doar ca unii dintre noi nu au…dorinta de a arata asta sau, mai naspa, nu au inteligenta necesara de a scoate in evidenta un dinamism deosebit/bun/interesant.

Ar fi misto ca oamenii sa danseze pe strada. Sa sara. Sa rada/planga, sa fie dinamici si expresivi.

Cum era unu` in metrou care statea in fata usii si dansa dupa muzica din casti. Lumea il considera ciudat, mie-mi placea rau de el! Facea FIX ceea ce simtea, isi baga picioru` in noi restu` si el…se simtea foarte bine. Joy joy! :)

Intrebarea zilei – plans

“Cand ati vazut ultima oara un om plangand pe strada? Ce v-a exprimat si ce ati facut?”

Raspunsul meu:

Azi, in statie la 41. Era o fata cam de liceu, cu o colega. Plangea de mama focului si cealalta nu o lua in brate. Statea si se uita la ea, asa…oarecum empatic dar nu suficient. M-am uitat 10 secunde si am decis ca daca ar fi fost singura, ar fi fost o.k. sa merg, dar asa…ar fi fost aiurea. Si m-am asezat pe bara, a venit tramvaiul si am plecat. Intre timp fata nu mai plangea. Era uratzica.


Deci…Doamne, mai devreme am SARIT efectiv de pe scaun, cand mi-a venit o idee faina!

Si nu e ceva GRAND, MARE, precum…pana mea…descoperirea gravitatiei, curentului electric sau a avionului! E ceva…MIC! Dar este INCREDIBIL cata energie iti poate da o SUPER idee, cat de micuta. Mai ales dupa ce CAUTI cu disperare ACEA idee timp de `n` zile/saptamani!

EVRIKAAAA!!!!!!!!! Traiasca Arhimede!!! Te iubesc ca ai…inventat cuvantul asta! Sau, ma rog, ca se PRESUPUNE ca l-ai gasit tu!
Iti dai seama? Dupa ce ca a avut o SUPER idee, imediat a mai avut UNA! Cuvantul asta! A facut de `n` ori istorie baiatu` asta. :)

Ma duc sa ma pish, de fericire!

Gogol Bordello – Through the Roof’n’ Underground – guitar cover

:D dixtractiv! Mai invat de-astea!

[youtube ZvbNuhyj1SQ]

When there’s a trap set up for you
In every corner of this town
And so you learn the only way to go is underground
When there’s a trap set up for you
In every corner of your room
And so you learn the only way to go is through the roof

Ooohoohoooh through the roof, underground

And as we’re crossing border after border
We realize that difference is none
It’s underdogs who, and if you want it
You always have to make your own fun

And as the upperdog leisurely sighing
The local cultures are dying and dying
The programmed robots are buying and buying
And a psycho load of freaks they are still trying trying

Ooohoohoooh through the roof, underground


Seduce me with a word, I`ll find it strong,
the meaning will unfold and time won`t make it
wrong. How to forget a word when it`s whispered
so close, my lips will savour it, my soul
will devour it.

Seduce me with you walk, I`ll smile when you take
a stroll through the sands, and dust will play around
your anckles, and time won`t stop you from running
towards me, and time won`t stop you from resting
next to me.

Seduce me with a kiss, the bliss will
fall upon your lips, the eyes will meet
between the lines of the flesh, in a flash
you will feel my innerones, your innerself
will just be

Seduce me with your sex, the wet embrace of
lust must be so close to us, desire to create love,
such a strong word, so easily confused will be so
rightly used when we lie one in another gazing so deeply
into the summer of our