Inghesuiala la lansarea iPhone 4S la Vodafone (poze)

Cateva poze de la lansarea iPhone 4S din seara de joi spre vineri de la lansarea iPhone 4S. M-am intalnit cu CEO-ul companiei, CEO-ul Plaza, multa lume…mai mult sau mai putin buna.
Telefonul in sine…excelent, se misca super super repede, placut.

Si niste video cu CEO-ul Vodafone, Inaki Berroeta.

[youtube ZLkQbjbtgeU]

Primele review-uri ale Skyrim

Le puteti vedea AICI – de la multe site-uri specializate!

Per total… cel mai naspa are 9 din 10. Majoritatea, nota 10/10 sau 5/5. EX-CE-LENT! :D Can’t wait! :-”

“It tops Tolkien for vision; Dungeons and Dragons for variety; Snyder for spectacle and almost every other game for sheer quality. Finish Batman: Arkham City quick, because once Skyrim begins you’re not playing anything else for months.”


“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is breathtaking, engrossing and deep. With gameplay and visual improvements, Bethesda set a new standard in The Elder Scrolls series with Skyrim, and with the action/RPG genre. This most certainly should be the game of the year.”

Provoaca Marijuana dependenta? Iti face chisalita creierii?

…asta pentru ca mai vorbeam cu unii oameni care sustin, sus si tare, ca marijuana este BUNA, ca NU provoaca dependenta, ca este chiar MEDICAMENT (da, pentru cei bolnavi de cancer!!!!!).

Si am descoperit ACEST studiu despre Marijuana (printre multe altele). Mi se pare exhaustiv, misto si, chiar daca nu-l crezi, merita sa-l citesti.

Citez din el:

“In addition to the observed links between marijuana use and schizophrenia, other less consistent associations have been reported between marijuana use and depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts among adolescents, and personality disturbances. One of the most frequently cited, albeit still controversial, is an amotivational syndrome, defined as a diminished or absent drive to engage in typically rewarding activities. Because of the role of the endocannabinoid system in regulating mood, these associations make a certain amount of sense; however, more research is needed to confirm and better understand these linkages. ”

“Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction; that is, people have difficulty controlling their drug use and cannot stop even though it interferes with many aspects of their lives. It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it. The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users.”

“Marijuana addiction is also linked to a withdrawal syndrome similar to that of nicotine withdrawal, which can make it hard to quit”.

“Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18 percent of motor vehicle driver deaths”.

“It is conceivable that even low concentrations of THC, when administered during the perinatal period, could have profound and long-lasting consequences for both brain and behavior”

Deci NU incerca sa ma convingi, oricine oi fi tu, ca Marijuana nu dauneaza. Pf.