Asta apropos de frustrarea lui Base cum ca DE CE NU ESTEM MANDRII CA ESTEM ROMANI!?
Paiiiiii… un motiv oferit, kindly, de AncAnca care incerca sa ma atace ca-s din ast oras si ea de la tzara. Evident, nu i-a iesit.
“Bucuresti is the most polluted European capital city, the main cause being the small moving speed in traffic, responsible for almost 70% of the noxes in the air. The announcement was made by the general manager of the Municipal Agency for Efficiency and Regulation of Energy in Bucharest Tudor Popescu, according to Radio Romania Actualitati.
The representatives of Agency showed that, between 7:00 – 20:00 the speed in traffic in the city is, often, up to under 10 km/hour. Tudor Popescu explained that Bucharest has no project at the level of the infrastructure to be connected to environment protection and drew the attention that business people should involve in environment projects.”
Citatul vine DOAR de la una dintre cele mai mari agentii de presa, Actmedia. Sa ne citeasca toata Ioropa si sa ne creasca turismu’!
Oricum, eu as fi scris stirea ALTFEL!
“Bucurestenii sunt cei mai rabdatori oameni din Europa. Desi intre orele 07:00-20:00 viteza medie in trafic este, deseori, de sub 10 km/h, doar o cincime dintre romani isi arata nervii in mod evident prin claxoane si zbierete”.
Eh. e lumea rea, nu ne intelege…