Deci abia eram multumit de tema WordPress gasita si s-a…stricat. Asa, din senin. Aparea un super ecran alb, asa ca fusei nevoit sa aleg, la repezeaza (ca cica mi-s la munca!) o alta. Pf. Laaame.
Si asta nu-mi place caci na, arata…aiurea. Si pozele nu pot fi deplasate frumos! grrrrrrrrrmrrrrrrrrrprrrrrrr!!!
Tag Archives: Internet
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Un hipermarket online CUM TREBUIE
Atentie Carrefour, Cora, Mega Image (!) si alti playeri majori ce au intrat/vor intra pe zona de livrari online. Luati si invatati de la Tesco!!
Au, de departe, cel mai fain/util/user friendly site de livrari online pe care l-am vazut la un hipermarket.
Declaratie Dan Bulucea, CEO Google Romania
“Asa cum am lansat, pentru a oferi informatii relevante utilizatorilor romani, asa am lansat si, canal care ofera continut digital relevant, de asemenea, pentru romani. Acesta a fost, primordial, scopul urmarit”.
Adica manele si Inna pe prima pagina. Hm.
Si, iar hm, veniturile suplimentare aduse Google ABIA pe locul 2. Yeps.
In rest…numai de bine.
Mediafax loveste din nou!
Pentru o inima sanatoasa, urca pe scari!
Ce efecte are tehnologia asupra vietii de familie
Cum se scrie corect – Internet sau internet ?
Am cautat cate ceva despre cum se scrie corect I(i)nternet si in ce situatii este cu I sau cu i. Din mai multe surse. Exista din ce in ce mai multe discutii pe marginea acestui subiect.
“Internet with capital ‘I’ refers to the Internet as in the world wide web, and what most people think of when you say internet.
Internet with a lowercase ‘i’ refers to a bunch of small LANS connected together to form some kind of host-to-host packet delivery service. So basically Internet capital I refers to inter-networking at the global level. Whereas internet with a lowercase ‘i’ refers to it on a much smaller level.”
The argument for the use of a capital I is that Internet is a proper noun, referring not to “an internet” but to a specific, worldwide network that uses the TCP/IP protocol. Under this argument, capitalization is extremely important, because it clarifies which network is under discussion. Many major publications around the world follow this stylistic edict, including technical journals and publications put out by organizations which work in the field.
When people who spell Internet with a capital “I” use the lower case, they are referring to “an internet,” a distinct interconnected network. For example, many offices and schools use an internet to connect their computers directly with one another. This can also be called an intranet. This system, whatever one calls it, is often also connected to the Internet — or the World Wide Web — just to add to the general confusion.
The argument for web capitalisation is simple: there is only one Internet, just like there is only one Moscow. Sure, it’s made up of millions of elements but so is the Great Barrier Reef. Therefore Internet is a proper noun and must have a capital.
Examples of media publications and news outlets that capitalize the term include The New York Times, the Associated Press, Time, and The Times of India. In addition, many peer-reviewed journals and professional publications such as Communications of the ACM capitalize “Internet,” and this style guideline is also specified by the American Psychological Association in its electronic media spelling guide. The Modern Language Association’s MLA Handbook does not specifically mention capitalization of Internet, but its consistent practice is to capitalize it.[8]
More recently, a significant number of publications have switched to not capitalizing the noun internet. Among them are The Economist, the Financial Times, The Times, the Guardian, the Observer[9] and the Sydney Morning Herald.
CORECT gramatical este sa scriem Internet, cu “I” mare, cand ne referim la WWW, la Internet ca retea globala. Este corect sa scriem “internet” cu “i” mic cand ne referim la o retea anume (precum internetul de la InternetCorp.) :-”
Pegas si-au tras site misto, darrrrrrrrr… :D
Deci Pegas si-a facut FINALLY site. Care, da, arata foarte misto….INSA… :))))
Oricum, Pegas is cam naspa + de hipsteri + “chinezarii”. Da, cele “batrane”, de pe vremea comunismului, aveau un flavour fain. Cele de acum, din ce stiu, sunt realizate cu piese ieftine si vandute foarte scump ulterior. :-”