Category Archives: Prostie

Old songs vs new songs (Lyrics)

Te las pe tine sa judeci singur(a) micile diferente. Mai ales la nivel de versuri. Si voce. Si tot. Oh, God, WHY!??!

[youtube hAzdgU_kpGo]

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face, stars fill my dreams
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait, all will be revealed

Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years
With no provision but an open face, along the straits of fear

Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, sounds caress my ears
But not a word I heard could I relay, the story was quite clear
All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground
And my eyes fill with sand, as I scan this wasted land
Tryin’ to find….Tryin’ to find where I’ve been.

Oh, pilot of the storm that leaves no trace, like thoughts inside a dream
Heed the path that led me to that place, yellow desert stream
My Shangri-La beneath the summer moon, I will return again
Like the dust that lufts high in June, when moving through Kashmir.

Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, sounds caress my ears
But not a word I heard could I relay, the story was quite clear.

Si apoi am vazut ASTA, noua cea mai proasta melodie de pe Terra. Care se bucura de succes la fel ca .. aia cu…today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday and then it will be Friday. God, deci nnnnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!

[youtube zAeTbNtzHxk&feature]

Look at me and tell me the truth
What do you do
When people don’t know
What we go through

They see my blonde hair
Blue eyes and class
But they don’t know
I have a really big arse

Please don’t get me wrong
I know that I’m hot
Textbook perfection really takes a lot
Weird guys call my phones
And girls call me names
Like Miley said “I can’t be tamed”

Hot girls we have problems too
We’re just like you, except we’re hot
The world needs to open their eyes
And realize
We’re not perfect
And sometimes we lie

I’ve got the look
I’ve got the butt
But those things don’t make me a *slut*
Boys call me stuck up
Girls say I’m conceited
On behalf on all hot girls those comments are not needed

Just cause I’m pretty
I have to be dumb
I don’t care about which
I just wanna have fun

People start rumors
And say things about me
Funny thing is I didn’t go to the party

: )))))))))))))))

Cum poti frate sa te imbeti intr-o gradina zoologica si, apoi, dupe ceva ore sa pleci acasa cu un PINGUIN?!
Treziti fiind, l-au dat afara din casa pe saracu` pinguin care a fost gasit si acu` politia ii cerceteaza pe tineri pentru ca au rapit un animal (pinguinu`, te-ai prins) protejat de lege.

Cum pana mea sa rapesti un PINGUIN!? :))))))))))))))
(nu`sh de ce da` mi se pare mega funny, imi imaginez secventa cu ei mergand pe strada cu pinguinu` in brate/de brat : )))))))))))))))) )

Dialog real

Ieri seara pe la un 21:30 in autobusul 178, in drum spre casa. Doi indivizi mai tigani cu accente puternice de golani, la vreo 23 de ani, la un metru de mine, vorbeau intre ei.

Individul 1: Si, ce mai zici ba? Ce mai invarti?
Individul 2: P*la mea ba, am fost si eu la un portofel, ceva, de furat. Nimic frate, nimic! Nu mai merge, n-am prins nimic!
I 1: …. mda…
I 2: Da ba, de furat, nu mai merge. De talharit, nimic, de dat in cap, nu mai merge. Sa-mi bag p*la, ajung sa-mi iau de munca!! sa moara mama… am fost io idiot fra` ca n-am dat spaga aia sa iau carnet, acu` conduceam Bemve ultimu` racnet pe 13 bulioane! Numai frate, nu mai pica nimic…

Si da, e pe bune. Saracii…tre` sa munceasca, auzi tu!!! Tsk tsk.

De pe 25 martie…

Tot traficul aerian de pe Baneasa se va muta pe Otopeni. Adicatelea vom merge mai mult la/dinspre aerport.

Baneasa ramane pentru d’alde Becali Basescu & co, privat, si pentru cei ce si-au facut case in zona si, vai, sunt deranjati de traficul aerian. Adicatelea cine a pus dom’le aeroportu`-n drum, ha?!

Teoria reclamei mascate, a informarii si a idioteniei jurnalistilor

Mi-a cazut acum privirea pe televizor – “Un supermarket din Iasi a fost executat silit dupa 3 ani de judecata”.

Sunt `n` stiri la televizor care suna in felul asta – “Un hipermarket a vandut produse stricate timp de 7 zile” sau “Benzina de la pompele unei mari companii avea apa in procent de 90%”.

Este o MARE diferenta intre a evita sa faci reclama unei companii si a INFORMA CORECT SI COMPLET publicul. Scopul primar al presei asta ar trebui sa fie.

Or (o parte din) presa din Romania se pare ca nu face diferenta intre reclama mascata si informare. Eu, ca simplu cetatean, vreau sa stiu CE hipermarket are mancare stricata, CE benzinarii contrafac benzina si asa mai departe. Daca blureaza informatia principala…subiectul, esenta informatiei, atunci nu mai poate fi vorba de o STIRE ci doar de…o…ceva…dubios si cvasi inutil.

Nu-i asa, domnilor si doamnelor de la CNA, ca trebuie sa faceti ceva in acest sens?

Cont suspendat eBay

Mi-am facut cont de eBay, toate bune si frumoase, m-am inscris si pe PayPal, am sunat la banca, taramtamtam, am incarcat ce voiam sa vand pe eBay, am confirmat, am si platit 0,40 $ prin PayPal.

La 2 minute dupa aia…mi-au suspendat contul pentru nereguli FOARTE GRAVE!!! Pe care, evident, nu mi le-au explicat. Am trimis mail, raspunsul automat mi-a zis sa-i sun. Nu exista alta posibilitate de contact decat prin telefon!!!

“Your account has been suspended because recent account activity has raised serious security concerns. We’ve taken this precaution to protect our members and the eBay community.

Due to the suspension, you won’t be able to use your eBay account in any way. This includes using another existing account or registering a new account.

Any outstanding selling fees are due immediately, and any amounts that you haven’t previously disputed will be charged to the billing method currently on file.”

Si nici macar nu mi-au zis DE CE mi l-au suspendat. Ca sa-mi fac cont nou trebuie sa fie pe alt IP, alt card de credit/debit, alt cont PayPal, alta adresa!!!! Deci….sper sa crape eBay si long live Amazon!!!