Vocabularul adolescentilor “de azi” – circa 800 de cuvinte

Un articol interesant in DailyMail despre incapacitatea adolescentilor care comunica mai ales prin text/messenger/retele sociale de a se angaja in aceste conditii.

We need to help today’s teenagers understand the difference between their textspeak and the formal language they need to succeed in life — 800 words will not get you a job.’

The majority of teenagers should have developed a broad vocabulary of 40,000 words by the time they reach 16.

Linguists have found, however, that although they may understand thousands of words, many choose to limit themselves to a much smaller range in regular conversation and on a daily basis could use as few as 800 terms.
He found that the top 20 words used by teenagers, including ‘yeah’, ‘no’ and ‘but’, account for about a third of all words used.

Mda. Da` vorba AncAncai…

“EU Banica: ce bine!
EU Banica: sper sa nu ia nicio atitudine!
EU Banica: ca sa nu ne ia locurile de munca maica la batranete
EU Banica: sa fie prosti!!
EU Banica: sper sa nu se imbunatateasca invatamantul
EU Banica: !
EU Banica is typing…
EU Banica: sper ca toti profii si invatatorii sa mearga in spania si italia si sa aiba succes acolo si sa nu se intoarca ”


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