Antichrisis – formatie veche-noua absolut perrrrfecta!

Am REdescoperit formatia Antichrisis, ascultam in draci acum vreo 7-8 ani primele lor doua albume. Pe atunci imi propusesem sa invat o bucata-doua si la chitara, dar a ramas in faza de proiect.

Ce ne place la ei? Combinatia absolut PER-FECTA si cum n-am mai auzit intre genuri – folk, scotiana, celtica, heavy metal si doom metal. Versuri foarte arta, care contrasteaza uneori incredibil de fain cu ritmul. De asemenea, vocea tipului e cutremuratoare, in unele melodii imi vine sa PLANG, efectiv, nu mi s-a mai intamplat. Vocea tipei este foarte versatila. De asemenea, melodiile sunt lungi si includ FOARTE MULTE schimbari de ritm care, spre deosebire de ceea ce se intampla la alte formatii, se INCADREAZA intr-o atmosfera deloc deranjanta, aparte. Ascultati macar astea 3 melodii si o sa vedeti ce vorbesc. TOATE sunt insa geniale, mi-a fost greu sa le aleg… ;)




See the girl on the floor
As she’s watching the rain
Like sallow tracks of blood pouring down
Scattered over the floor
The sheets painted in black
Showing a fettered mouthless child
Her Mother’s gone shopping and she prays
For her Daddy not to come home
But for Jane’s prayers no god gives a damn
Her Daddy is back to play with Jane!
She closes her eyes to break away from the girl
Lying raped and abused on the ground
No use to commit herself to anyone
For who’d believe Jane
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
She feels hate for being treated this way
Is it her fault Daddy’s playing these games?
She tries in vain to think of something
She might have done wrong
Goodbye to Jane
Goodbye to Jane
Goodbye to Jane
See the girl on the floor
She can’t bear it no more:
Lewdy hands defiling her skin!
A life like that means not much to Jane
The belt ’round her neck gently takes her away!
He’s closing the door for she seems asleep:
Those sickening games won’t be played any more!
No-one could explain what happened to Jane
She was only one in a million girls…
Goodbye to Jane

2 thoughts on “Antichrisis – formatie veche-noua absolut perrrrfecta!”

  1. Iti las un comment ca sa vezi ca m-am tinut de cuvant si am ascultat aceasta mirifica formatie…(2 melodii din trei pt ca prima nu merge)
    conlcuzia?sincer, ma asteptam la mai mult…nu pot sa zic ca mi se pare o combinatie PER-FEC-TA intre nimic si nimic…ma duce cu gandul la ceva medieval dar nu prea reusit…vocea tipei imi place dar formatii ca astea, cu versuri de genu’ asta si nume ca asta sunt cam “goodbye to jane” mi se pare muuult prea transmite nimic, sorry…nu prea inteleg de ce te-ai oprit chiar asupra asteia DAR apreciez cu nu e cu vomitaturi!;)


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