Am primit in ultimele gen…saptamani/luni tot felul de spam-uri de-mi ziceau ca “Esti TAGGED de X-ulescu”. Care X sunt nume de cunoscuti de-i am in lista de mail/messenger, chestiuni de-astea.
Evident, am ignorat, delete…dar mi-au ramas in creier.
E, si se pare ca cineva s-a sesizat si da in judecata, autoproclamata a TREIA cea mai mare retea din lume, dupa Facebook si MySpace.
Citez din AFP:
New York’s attorney general charged Thursday that stole the identities of more than 60 million Internet users worldwide — by sending e-mails that raided their private accounts.
Andrew Cuomo said he plans to sue the social networking Web site for deceptive marketing and invasion of privacy.
“This company stole the address books and identities of millions of people,” Cuomo said in a statement. “Consumers had their privacy invaded and were forced into the embarrassing position of having to apologize to all their e-mail contacts for Tagged’s unethical — and illegal — behavior.”
Cuomo said Tagged acquired most of the users fraudulently, sending unsuspecting recipients e-mails that urged them to view private photos posted by friends.
The message read: “(name of friend) sent you photos on Tagged.”
When recipients tried to access the photos, Cuomo said they would in effect become new members of the site — without ever seeing any photos. Recipients’ e-mail address books would then be lifted, the attorney general said.
haha, ce ma bucur. ca si io primeam cacatul asta de mail
aha! sa vezi ce s-a bucurat tot poporul din redactie cand am facut stirea! :))
Si io! Da ba, si io! ma (@#%$@!# pe ei! sa MOARA! (suntem o redactie pacifista, in care NU se injura, NU se da in morti si origini…DELOC!)
peace! :)))
Era şi timpul!