Si da, eu cred de-astea! Adica…si Metallica au zis in `99 ca o sa vina la anu`! (si au venit peste 10, da` important este ca AU REVENIT TOTUSI!)
Si GOD, ce voce areeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[youtube rdUgFxTZ7rY]
Tag Archives: Clip
Iced Earth – azi
[youtube NmSGUprU8QU&feature]
Incredibil de genialllll
nu o sa ajung. :-”
Next time! :D
SI AICI, asculta de la….bine, de oriunde, dar de la minutul 23:45. Melodia tine, toata, peste 14 minute, dar e ok…si parte de final. :D
[youtube hEjs3QPfg-w&feature]
Ce pregateste Pixar – BRAVE
Brave va fi noua animatie semnata Pixar. Pe care animatie, evident, o voi vedea. In 2012. Pam-PAM!
[youtube DlcQqAKTmH8&feature]
Inghesuiala la lansarea iPhone 4S la Vodafone (poze)
Cateva poze de la lansarea iPhone 4S din seara de joi spre vineri de la lansarea iPhone 4S. M-am intalnit cu CEO-ul companiei, CEO-ul Plaza, multa lume…mai mult sau mai putin buna.
Telefonul in sine…excelent, se misca super super repede, placut.
Si niste video cu CEO-ul Vodafone, Inaki Berroeta.
[youtube ZLkQbjbtgeU]
Asa eram eu in dimineata asta…
[youtube arjGEn0_dMk]
Pasare ce mananca copil
Foarte mistooooo
[youtube 1cv2sFi7HOE&feature]
Cum e sa te fotografiezi zilnic timp de 4,5 ani
Uite asa. Arta. :)
[youtube 1llHXUfEdrI&feature]
Animatie haioasa cu un porc. Roz. Si prajituri.
Nu stiu ce m-a apucat azi sa cant ASTA in redactie. SUPER TARE! : )))
[youtube 0dauOIZm_FQ]
Si o prima melodie a Iced Earth cu Stu Block
De pe noul album intitulat Dystopia.
Imi place mult cum suna – are tot ce-i trebuie pentru o piesa power metal. Voce excelenta.
Mi-am…mmm…cumparat albumul, il ascult maine in drum spre munca si inapoi si revin cu un verdict luni! :D
[youtube iecfY7nV8B4]
Enter the nightmare, this future does implore,
Hijack your city state, a prison nothing more.
Rounded up like cattle, you’re forced in to the trains,
Nothing that you’ve ever known will bring you so much pain.
If you try to resist me you’ll find me inhumane,
But if you just submit you’ll live your life a slave.
Your love, your servitude will medicate your pain,
With our technology, we’ll always keep you safe.
Microchipped by darts, their thoughts are not their own,
All that’s left of human kind is now in their control.
Planned out through centuries, patient and contrived,
Pray on man’s naivety, gullible and blind.
If you try to resist me you’ll find me inhumane,
But if you just submit you’ll live your life a slave.
Your love, your servitude will medicate your pain,
With our technology, we’ll always keep you safe.
[ Lyrics from: ]
The nightmare unfolds before my eyes
I will resist ’til the end of time
A spirit born free has to break these chains
We’re lost, we must find our way.
We must find our way.
We’ll find our way.
They say that you’re a danger to everything that’s pure,
There are too many of you, they’re offering the cure.
Swift extermination if you refuse the game,
Arrested development, your vaccinated fate.
If you try to resist me you’ll find me inhumane,
But if you just submit you’ll live your life a slave.
Your love, your servitude will medicate your pain,
With our technology, we’ll always keep you safe.
Si inca una, mai lenta. Faina rau!
[youtube rKePB70ncPE&feature]
A, si in alta dezordine de idei, au scos si Luna Amara album. O sa-l ascult…..