Jocul pe computer al anului! Al deceniului!!!


Desi Gamespot i-au dat o nota modesta (1,5 din 10), utilizatorii se pare ca nu au fost de-acord, si pe BUNA DREPTATE! Adica….wtf…. CE ar putea sa NU iti placa la un joc care iti permite atat de multe lucruri!? Sa conduci o masina de curatat strada si sa cureti strada! Si…sa faci asta…non-stop! Este MINUNAT! Mii de minute de curatat strazi! Intr-o…masina…de curatat strada! Am mai zis! Este foarte profund! Cateva dintre comentarii cred insa ca sunt elocvente:

“A defining moment in video-game history, it’s one of these rare gems that will make all other games look sub-par. Oh, I was wrong…
My friends laughed at me when they saw me picking up SCS from the shelf at the video game store, but I was strangely drawn to it, I was speechless, I knew this is going to change my life in a way that Mario and Zelda did.
I don’t think I am able to describe the gameplay of this game by words, it’s like describing God or the Universe or Scarlett Johansson.

Play this game, you won’t be the same person, you’ll be better! at everything.”

“In a world where the most anticipated releases are sequels, Street Cleaning Simulator completely redefines an industry. The title alone is a work of pure genius…. with such simplicity and purity, it reflects the depth of character and complexity this epic masterpiece introduces to games as we know it. You will be up for weeks playing this stunning new virtuoso among men. Released just in time to compete with some of the most anticipated titles of this year, you simply cannot go wrong with gifting this title. Even if someone already has multiple copies, they will be grateful for the insight one has at regifting such artwork.

[youtube i6DpklrbMGk&feature]

The sequel simply cannot come soon enough. Trust me when I say, I will go to the next E3 simply in hopes to get my hands on anything to see in regards to the future of this rare gem”

Si inca unul…

“A defining moment in video-game history, it’s one of these rare gems that will make all other games look sub-par. A highly anticipated game that ties the earlier games of the genre together very tightly. Provides a detailed overview for the earlier games to build on and helps the player make intelligent choices that reflect their individual bent or intentions, allowing them to express themselves as they desire. The game is built using a detailed psychology that is missing in other games, and some choices have far reaching ramifications, so the player must choose carefully or the gaming experience can fall short of the players expectations. Playability is guaranteed as the choices are layered so that one way may appeal and thus trying another way in a later game can open up surprising new takes on the overall game in general.”

: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Despre promotii si PROMOTERI

Ce este acela un promoter? Este acea persoana care, fara sa vrea/sa isi dea seama, face un mega bine unei companii, promovand-o in fel si chip fara sa fie platit. Apple este un bun exemplu de corporatie care a reusit sa stranga un numar enorm de fani care lauda produsele fara a primi nimic in schimb.

Practic, este compania care te face sa zici “I want what she`s got!” – exact ca in clipul de mai jos! Enjoy!

[youtube F-bsf2x-aeE&feature]

Dragostea vegetariana

Mi-ai zis ca dragostea este vegetariana

si ca vrei
un iepure gatit,
asa ca am gasit unul
rosu, drag, rosu si proaspat.

cand te-a vazut, a batut din picioruse
in ritm alert si a sarit departe
dar l-am prins, rosu, pentru tine,
bataia aia incapatanata
s-a ascuns in cutia mea toracica.

ma asteptai sa scot
un iepure din piept,
sa ti-l dau infasurat
in panglici moi, la picioare

inghitit, ingurgitat de viu
digerat cu acid si enzime,
a lasat mici taieturi pe esofag
crestaturi si poezie
gravate in carne.

mi-ai spus ca iubirea era vegetariana,
ai mintit.

te asteptam sa scoti
un iepure din palarie,
dar multimii ii placea mai mult
atunci cand, inainte, ii rupeai urechile.

iti aplaudau actul odios,
prin gauri de chei, prin
votca cu cianura si banda neagra,
prin eprubete de sticla, cufere transparente
vicioase si cutii de marionete,
te inclinai cu un cadavru
de iepure iesit
din palaria-ti inalta si sordida,

si spuneai ca eram dragut cand ma jucam de-a mortul.

mi-ai spus ca dragostea este vegetariana,
ai minti, dragostea nu este vegetariana,
dragostea era orice numai vegetale nu,
o vegetala canibalistica mancatoare de verde.

iubirea are oase, si in felul asta
ineaca oamenii stupizi,

ca mine.

Chestiuni misto/de facut in restaurante

Sa ai muzica LIVE, dar nu atat de tare incat sa nu te poti auzi. Muzica sa fie in ton cu specificul restaurantului. Daca vrei manele, sa te duci la manele, daca vrei blues, sa fie restaurant cu tema blues.

In pauze, in boxe sa cante TOT muzica cu specificul restaurantului. Nu Radio Romania Libera Actualitati sau mizeria de Kiss FM.

Sa NU mearga un televizor total aiurea. Deseori pus pe (alta mizerie) de canal muzica U. Oricum nu se aude, de ce m-as UITA?!

Chelnerii sa iti ceara, din cand in cand, feedback asupra serviciilor/mancarii.

La final, sa iti ceara iarasi feedback de care CHIAR sa ia seama.

Colectionez Sindromuri