Bobita iti da PUTERI! Masculine! Hell YEAH!
De ce nu am dormit bine
Se spune ca daca citesti nitel inainte de a adormi, bei si o cana de lapte, gata, somnul ti-e garantat! Si deseori chiar asa este!
Doar ca ieri nu s-a intamplat asta! Mai am un fel de 2-4% din cel mai recent volum din A Song of Ice and Fire si chiar inainte sa adorm m-a LOVIT!!! Adica…wtf!!! NU trebuia sa moara TOCMAI persoajul ALA! Eram CEL MAI ATASAT DE EL si autorul ala nemernic se pare ca NU stie acest lucru!
Si m-a frustrat si am adormit vazand cum TRADATORII AIA NASPA au bagat patru cutite in el, pe la spate!!! L-au INJUNGHIAT cand el, saracu`, (personaju` mort adica) nu voia decat sa faca BINE, se zbatea si era UNICUL care putea aduce ORDINE in haosul ala!!!!!!!!!!
:) Asa. gata. pfiu.
Statusul zilei
“Un dragon nu si-ar tatua niciodata un cocalar. Invers, insa, se intampla cu regularitate…”
30 de ani de Metallica – infografic
Si o prima melodie a Iced Earth cu Stu Block
De pe noul album intitulat Dystopia.
Imi place mult cum suna – are tot ce-i trebuie pentru o piesa power metal. Voce excelenta.
Mi-am…mmm…cumparat albumul, il ascult maine in drum spre munca si inapoi si revin cu un verdict luni! :D
[youtube iecfY7nV8B4]
Enter the nightmare, this future does implore,
Hijack your city state, a prison nothing more.
Rounded up like cattle, you’re forced in to the trains,
Nothing that you’ve ever known will bring you so much pain.
If you try to resist me you’ll find me inhumane,
But if you just submit you’ll live your life a slave.
Your love, your servitude will medicate your pain,
With our technology, we’ll always keep you safe.
Microchipped by darts, their thoughts are not their own,
All that’s left of human kind is now in their control.
Planned out through centuries, patient and contrived,
Pray on man’s naivety, gullible and blind.
If you try to resist me you’ll find me inhumane,
But if you just submit you’ll live your life a slave.
Your love, your servitude will medicate your pain,
With our technology, we’ll always keep you safe.
[ Lyrics from: ]
The nightmare unfolds before my eyes
I will resist ’til the end of time
A spirit born free has to break these chains
We’re lost, we must find our way.
We must find our way.
We’ll find our way.
They say that you’re a danger to everything that’s pure,
There are too many of you, they’re offering the cure.
Swift extermination if you refuse the game,
Arrested development, your vaccinated fate.
If you try to resist me you’ll find me inhumane,
But if you just submit you’ll live your life a slave.
Your love, your servitude will medicate your pain,
With our technology, we’ll always keep you safe.
Si inca una, mai lenta. Faina rau!
[youtube rKePB70ncPE&feature]
A, si in alta dezordine de idei, au scos si Luna Amara album. O sa-l ascult…..
Dupa 15 ani
Barlow pleaca de la Iced Earth. Oare cum te simti cand un stadion intreg isi ia la revedere de la tine? Iti scandeaza numele?
A ales familia, cei doi copii ai lui, in detrimentul concertelor.
Si a facut o alegere buna.
Eu abia astept Iced Earth-ul din Bucuresti de pe 22 noiembrie cu STU BLACK, YEAH!!
[youtube PrqW2Q8RWR0&feature]
Si mai jos ultimul concert cu Barlow, HD! Excelentttt! Ce VOCE!
[youtube z90wWEOmp_A&feature]
Calea Lactee in Himalaya
Servicii misto de tot de la nVidia
Vreau sa-mi iau o noua placa grafica, intrucat vechea mea 9600GT nu (prea) mai face fata avantului tehnologic. Asa ca am cautat io nitel pe si mi-a placut modelul GTX560 – performante bune la pret acceptabil.
E, toate bune, pana m-am lovit de o intrebare – ba, este sau nu compatibila cu rabla mea? Ce placa de baza am?
Fiind deja 10+ seara nu aveam chef sa desfac computerul, am downloadat niste software, am aflat ce placa de baza am. Boooon… Mai incolo insa m-am lovit de o problema pe care n-am reusit sa o depasesc – placa mea ESTE sau NU compatibila cu tehnologia. Am cautat pe forumuri, search-uri (experte) pe Google…nimic. Nici chiar pe site-ul AsusTEK nu se afla modelu-mi de placa de baza!!
Intru pe nVidia si, din link in link, ajung la suport – relatii cu clientii, LIVE. Nu am mai apelat la NIMENI live, sa ma sprijine si, nah, am zis sa give it a try, ca puii mei.
Spre placuta-mi surpriza, mi-a raspuns cineva FIX in 10 secunde. Mai mult, am primit dupa dialog, pe e-mail, transcriptul dupa dialog! SUPER TARE!!!
[01:27:27 PM] Hi, my name is Srivathsa. How may I help you?
[01:27:48 PM] Alex Goaga: Hey Srivarhsa, I`m Alex, I have a compatibility question, if I may.
[01:28:05 PM] Srivathsa: HI Alex.
[01:28:08 PM] Srivathsa: Please let me know
[01:28:21 PM] Srivathsa: I would do my best helping you with the query
[01:28:40 PM] Alex Goaga: I`m interested in replacing my “old” GeForce 9600GT with a newer GTX 560
[01:28:59 PM] Alex Goaga: the issue is – I dont know where to look and see if my Mainboard is COMPATIBLE with it
[01:29:19 PM] Alex Goaga: I have an ASUSTek P5L1394 mainboard
[01:29:24 PM] Srivathsa: Please let me know the model # of the motherboard you have
[01:29:31 PM] Srivathsa: Thank you
[01:29:33 PM] Srivathsa: :)
[01:29:44 PM] Alex Goaga: do I have to unscrew my PC to find it? :D
[01:30:21 PM] Srivathsa: As the motherboard has 1 x PCIe x16 the GTX 560 graphic card is compatible with it
[01:30:38 PM] Alex Goaga: so it should work just fine, yeah?
[01:32:00 PM] Srivathsa: Yes, definitely
[01:32:12 PM] Srivathsa: However, what is the power supply you have in watts?
[01:32:40 PM] Alex Goaga: hmmm…let me check…
[01:32:45 PM] Srivathsa: We need minimum of 450 W to run this card on the computer
[01:32:56 PM] Srivathsa: 500 watts would be a recommended one
[01:33:07 PM] Srivathsa: Please take your time
[01:33:19 PM] Alex Goaga: I took a note on that and Ill check it later on. Any other advices? : )
[01:35:30 PM] Srivathsa: Noting much, Ensure that you have above 450 watts, and incase less, please upgrade and as recommended please make it any thing above 500 watts
[01:35:40 PM] Srivathsa: Also,
[01:35:58 PM] Srivathsa: system will auto-generate and send a survey email to you, Please participate in this short survey and provide us your valuable feedback and rate our service on the scale of 1 – 10 (10 is the highest score and 1 is the least). We realize that your time is extremely valuable and we appreciate your feedback.
[01:36:34 PM] Alex Goaga: sure, I appreciate your professional help so, no problem! : )
[01:36:55 PM] Srivathsa: Thank you, Have a great day , Alex.
[01:37:22 PM] Alex Goaga: you too, cheers from Europe. : )
[01:37:33 PM] Srivathsa: Welcome. :)
ASTA DA serviciu de relatii cu clientii. Foarte tare, rapid, eficient, direct “de la sursa”. :-”
Durere nastere vs durere a lovi “la oo” :-”
Traficul generat de romani pe Google
Google a lansat un instrument interesant de masurare a traficului generat de romani pe diferite servicii ale companiei.
Printre ele se numara Gmail, YouTube sau Google Docs. Interesant.
In Romania nu au existat fluctuatii majore, cu exceptia anumitor spike-uri.