“Welcome to Marketing. Most other departments fire you for lack of integrity. Marketing, they promote you for it”
Category Archives: Internet
Statusul Zilei
“In my world, everyone is a pony. And they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies”
Ranking site-uri
Aciulea este o pagina web cu cele mai importante site-uri din lume, dupe numaru` de vizitatori/useri.
Imi place ca pe segmentul “retele sociale” (unde, evident, domina CATEGORIC Facebook, urmat de ITube si MySpace), intra si DevianArt.com. Check it out.
Statusul zilei
“Tinerete fara batranete si merele de aur”
Statusul zilei
“Un cuplu ajunge la maturitate doar dupa ce parcurge faza sado-masochista” Otto Kernenberg
Maine, concurs pe SaseSimturi.ro
Manana, joi, vom lansa primul concurs pe www.SaseSimturi.ro! Premii consistente si un concurs…fun! :)
Statusul zilei
“OMG! De cate ori sa-ti mai zic sa nu-ti mai tii telefonul pe silent?!?!?!!!!!”
M-a amuzat…(cred) ca multi au problema asta! :D
Statusul zilei
“A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed”
:)) Mie-mi par ambele la fel de aiurea…dar na.
Si inca unu` bun rau…
“Today I bought a pie at 3,14$. I laughed…”
:)))) Foarte tareeeee! :D Ce MISTO ca mai sunt oameni cu umor pe Terra!
Statusul zilei
“Fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF”
Statusul zilei
“In the end, money will buy everything”