Fiddler on the Green (Demons & Wizards) – covers

Este una dintre melodiile mele preferate, destul de greu de cantat la voce.

Povestea melodiei este istorisita din trei perspective – The Fiddler (Menestrelul), iubita lui ucisa si Moartea (The Reaper).

Menestrelul isi asteapta iubita, undeva, pe o campie verde, dar ea intarzie sa apara. Moartea o rapise – fata ii era alba, corpul ii era strivit, frumusetea ii fusese furata (Her face was pale/Her body smashed/Her beauty’s gone…).

Moartea se uita cu o oarecare mila spre menestrel si vorbeste cu spiritul iubitei – (Isn`t it a shame/The reaper said/He is quite alone here/And still waiting for you…)

Dupa mult timp, menestrelul realizeaza ca a pierdut-o cu adevarat, pentru prima si ultima oara. Spiritul iubitei sale il indeamna sa se sinucida, sa moara si el pentru ca durerea sa treaca, pentru a trai impreuna ca spirite. Ii spune…

“It would be nice…take my hand…/Just hold my hand/I’ll take you there/Your pain will go away”

Mi se pare una dintre cele mai complexe si frumoase melodii si este chiar, intr-un fel…touching…si deloc exagerat. Cand iubesti, ti-ai da viata pentru acel om.


Sad voices they’re calling
Our precious girl she can’t be gone
How bitter this morning
When daddy’s darling
Went out and started her day

Wasn’t there a dream, last night
Like a spring never ending
Still the water runs clear
through my mind
On the field I can see a fiddler
The fiddler on the green
And a sad boy
I took him too early
Would you mind
Would you mind
Would you mind
If I take you

To be with you
To be with you
To be with you
To be with you

The sun seemed bright
The air was clear
The air was clear

A trick of light
Turned red into green
She saw the light
Her face was pale
Her body smashed
Her beauty’s gone

Isn’t it a shame
The reaper said
He is quite alone here
And still waiting for you
Oh I really did fail for the first time
Spoke the fiddler, poor old fiddler
The fiddler on the green
The fiddler on the green
It would be nice…

Take my hand

Just hold my hand
I’ll take you there
Your pain will go away…

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